Free WordPress Theme: Prosumer

    Posted 21 Mar 2009 in WordPress Themes


    Prosumer WordPress Theme, is popular wordpress theme that develop by Nurudin Jauhari. After long time with Creative Commons license, Nurudin Jauhari decided to move to GPL Licence theme. Because of that fact. Nurudin Jauhari move theme hosting to WP GPL. We hope after Prosumer hosted on WP GPL, this theme will be got more user and better support.


    What’s on Prosumer

    • Right and Left Sidebar
    • Widget Ready
    • Custom Header
    • Change About text via Admin Profile
    • Threaded Comment
    • WP-Comment
    • Tested on WordPress 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.5.x,  2.6.x and WordPress 2.7


    You can Download Prosumer on this post or from Free WordPress Themes Directory


    Check Prosumer Demo for test drive this theme


    1. Jenny

      Aahhh. I was working on my site (with Firefox) for a whole day and I really like it. BUT the layout is a mess in IE7 and Opera. In Firefox, it looks fine. My site is still at a testing stage, so I can still fix it if there’s any fixes. Am I the only one with this problem?

    2. MMAVu

      nice theme. great work!

    3. Michelle

      Is there a way to modify the widget titles? My friend created graphics that correlate with my logo (header image). I would like to replace the standard titles (recent posts, archives, categories) but cannot figure out how to modify…any help would be appreciated!

    4. Ian

      Manogr – hi! To answer your question, I’ve no idea! I just added widgets to the right side bar and they worked as I expected them to. Wish I could help more but there’s no issue for me. I only downloaded the theme recently so maybe there’s been a fix or something?

      I’ve still been unable to replace the ‘you.jpg’ graphic top right. Has anyone worked this out? It’s driving me nuts 🙂

      • Josh

        Check the comment from a c leiter above

    5. Joia

      I found this theme yestarday and really like it. I have been trying to change some information to make it match the loof of my website, but it is more complicated than other themes I have worked with.
      Can anyone for example tell me how to change the header image in order to have one long 950px image instead of the 600px image with the right grey square?
      By the way…amazing the way Scott changer the theme!!!!

      • Scott

        Thanks Joia for commenting on the changes we made on the theme. Having no experience with website design or blogging or anything like it before starting, we’ve come a long way. I think my code is still a little bit ‘messy’, but it’s getting the job done. We’ve finalised the design I think, now it’s time to post! One of our biggest challenges was getting the ‘About’ page to stick to the right and keep the others to the left. We think the layout is better for it.

    6. Joia

      Hey Ian.
      Go to the Image file inside the theme and substitute the “you.jpg” file for the one you prefer.

    7. Joia

      Me again. I have already changed the image, thanks. If anyone is interested, it is changed in the style and functions.

    8. Victor Alderman

      These themes are top quality. I’m using Prosumer on Clickmaxim and testing others on more sites I own. I love the theme design of this site that host all your designs. Great job on the Header. Very understated but BOLD.

    9. JustinS

      Someone asked above why About disappears when you add something to the sidebar…

      The answer is in the sidebar.php file:

      Basically, it says that it should only show the default “widgets” (About, Links, Search) if and only if you haven’t used WP to throw a widget in there yourself. If you add a single widget, everything else goes away.

      Your best bet, if you want to add a non-default widget to that side, would be to add additional widgets that mimic the built-in pieces. Add a text widget for About, etc.

      And as with a lot of others here, I’m digging this theme. Have made some slight tweaks (like swapping the left sidebar and main content area), but all in all this was a great start for my current project. Thanks for it.

    10. Elaine

      Great great them. I’m loving it. Is there any way to change the order in which the comments appear? i.e., to make the most recent comments appear at the top?

    11. Harrison

      For people using this theme that see the sidebar titles disappear here is the fix:

    12. Ward

      I see that someone already asked this question, so I aplogize for asking again… But the answer did not help me!

      I have been unable to change the “about” text under the picture on my homepage. I must not be looking in the right place in my profile, I do not see where I can edit the text. I was able to edit the text on the about page, but nothing changed on the homepage “about” text. I tried using a text widget, but that only erased the right sidebar.

      I’m a rookie when it comes to wordpress so I’m sure I’m missing something simple, but I appreciate your help.

      • JustinS

        Hi, Ward.

        If I remember correctly, you can change that text by adding something in the About Yourself info in the profile for your admin account.

        Click Users and select the admin user. Scroll down to the bottom and you should see a spot titled “Biographical Info”. I removed that part on my blog myself and just have a text widget in its place, so I can’t really confirm. I’m about 90% sure that’s it, though.

    13. Daniel

      need a little modification here and there…

      don’t like the font, can it be changes?

      is it possible to change the background color to white?

      sorry, i am a newbie.

    14. Enn


      I have just installed your great theme. However, I would like to change the Custom Header. I downloaded an image but it did not populate to the header box. Appreciate your assistance.

      Thanks and best regards,

    15. Ward

      Thanks for the help justin, fixed it…

      Now running into another issue.. I want to change the subtitle to my website on the header, but cannot find that text anywhere to edit. Thanks again for the help!

    16. OSIS SMP ISLAM HT/robbani

      giat berorganisasi agar menambah wawasan guna persiapan masa akan datang

    17. Ian

      How do i change the text when i hover over the about image on the sidebar? It says Your Avatar, i would like to delete this as when i search google it come up with Your Avatar then my desciption.

    18. Ian

      dont matter now i found it under functions.

      I have another question though, how to i get rid of the right sidebar? when i delete the code from sidebar.php it will still only show my content at 510px wide and if i alter the #content to 710px in the style.css it put the content to the left and the left sidebar underneath.

    19. Thorwald Westmaas

      Great theme. I was able to change the ‘about me ‘ image but I also want to change the ALT text of this image AND make it link to an external site.

      HOw do I do that? I also changed my user profile but the text below the avitar doesn’t change. Besides, would rather not have text there OR have user-independent text. I created a text widget but it didn’t show up.



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