Would you make a table on your wordpress blog or you have an site for sell your product, so you need a table to show the table pricing?. Now you don’t need to confuse to built or make some table code on you posting. WP EDEN Already make WordPress Feature Table Plugin, WordPress Feature Table Plugin is the exceptional kind of pricing or feature table builder for WordPress where you will have fully Ajax based and integrated WordPress sign in and registration form. And then after visitor choose a package they want to, they can log in or register on your site, And after registration successfully or completed, so visitor will be redirected to assigned URL for the selected package. That’s so easy right?? Read the rest of this entry »
Posts Tagged ‘Wordpress Table’
Feature Table Plugin
Category WordPress Plugins
Download WP Table Plugin
Category WordPress Plugins
Many People like to use WordPress as his blog or some specific website. Their content use some table to display data or something else that using tables. Here it is I will show you how to create a post using WP Table created by Alex Babe called WP-Table Plugin.
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