Free WordPress Theme: Gunungkidul

    Posted 28 Jan 2010 in WordPress Themes

    Gunungkidul is our first Free WordPress Theme in 2010, This theme built with CSS Framework. We create most unique and simply WordPress Theme ever. There are a lot of featured built in on Gunungkidul.

    Gunungkidul WordPress Theme

    Our main reason why Create Gunungkidul, I need to create something useful and easy to use WordPress Themes. And I have nicely plan, I will released minimally  one themes each month in 2010. So if you have some idea, let’s share and we hope we can give the best to all of you.

    What’s on Gunungkidul Theme

    • Framework
    • Theme Options (Flickr Photos, Latest Twitter, TimThumb)
    • 2 Columns with Extra Footer
    • A lot of Widgets
    • Simple and nicely fonts
    • Hover effect (check the demo for more details)
    • sans-serif Family (Helvetica, Arial)
    • Page menu with Drop Down Menu
    • jQuery
    • And many more
    • Rewrite WP-Caption using this tricks
    • Recent Comment without plugin
    • Recent Post with thumbnail (chmod 777 folder cache if you enable this feature)
    • AddThis Social Bookmarks Tools
    • ver 1.1: You can enabled or disabled Twitter and Flickr trough Theme Panels
    • ver 1.1: You can add Twitter and Flickr trough widgets

    Old Version Theme Options

    New Version

    Gunungkidul New Theme Panel

    Plugin Needed?

    For better experience install this following plugins

    Check Gunungkidul Theme demo and if you satisfied with it, please share on 😉


    You can download Gunungkidul on Theme Directory or using our links below

    [download id=”10″]

    Need custom?

    Using our contact from.

    Releases Notes


    1. kenge labe

      Love the theme, and the best thing is that is free, fresh, clean and modern… 🙂 thanks guys…

    2. Jodi

      hi there

      excellent designed theme! thank you 🙂 i have a quick question – how do i change the avatar for the comments to a custom one i make myself, please? i have looked through comments.php but can’t figure out what to do

      thank you, jodi

    3. Tokz

      I love the theme, firstly. It’s very good and versatile. I just have two questions.

      When you try to customize the sidebar in the widget settings, it completely clears what was originally there. Then when you put them in the order yourself, it wont display the Flickr Stream pictures unless you leave it as the original sidebar. How do I get it to show them?

      Also, how do you get the pages to stop displaying comments and a comment box?

      Thanks for the help and wonderful theme.

    4. Fabio

      I upload your gunungkidul theme and I think it’s really great!
      I’d like to change the header image (simple) with a random image choosen from a folder with a lot of images (not so easy, for me): do you know if it’s possible? And if so, could you explain me how to do?
      Thanks a lot

    5. spike

      Drop down menu is not working properly in Chrome and Safari.

      I’ve adjusted some margins in CSS to make it work better in Firefox and seems to do the trick, however, still not working in other browsers.


    6. 色情小嫩屄


    7. Nat

      I would like to display a thimbthumb 70×70 on the posts on the index page.

      How do I change this code from the file index.php :

      (with ou without adding a sniplet manually within each post).

      Thx for your help !

      • WPGPL Team

        Can you explain more details? with some screen shot please…

    8. facebook video

      Nice wordpress theme. Is this free?

      • WPGPL Team

        Yes is it. It’s totally free and full support 😉

    9. Bill

      Hi guys,

      I’ve been using your theme for a few months now and have been very happy with it. The one question I have is…How do you get the title of the website to show up on the top of the browser. Right now there is just a ” / ” at the top of the window. I have the title of my site on my custom header so I don’t want to include it the option for Blog Title. Is there a way for me to control the text on the top of the browser? Thanks.

    10. Guillaume

      Excellent theme, thx a lot

    11. Liz Hover

      Hi there – love this theme (thank you) but the Flickr widget won’t display my photos. I’ve added the ID to the widget and the theme options page and enabled the check box but still no photos. Any ideas?

      • WPGPL Team

        What’s you mean doesn’t work? it’s worked well on our demo.

    12. masRub

      Very nice theme brother.. I’ll upload to my blog..
      Thanks you…

    13. Greg

      Great theme, I really like it for its simplicity.

      I am running into a couple of problems with it.

      1) the sub menu’s are falling below the parent menu pull down, hiding the additional menu items (in Mozilla).

      Also, when I install the new theme, it defaults and pulls only one category, and I have several categories on the site. Is this a plug in bug, or something with the theme?

      • WPGPL Team

        what kind problem is it?

    14. mike


      I also have a problem with the Flickr widget :

      With the default configuration (i don’t touch anything in the widgets configuration), everything works well. I can see my Flickr photos and stuff.

      But as soon as i want to change the sidebar to setup my own configuration, the “ Flickr” widget doesn’t work well. The Flickr ID is automaticly set to “2” and even if i put my real Flickr ID, it won’t save it and it will only keep a random number.

      I tried in 2 different servers (local server and online one) and the problem occurs in both.

      Hope you can help because it’s a great theme.


      • aminhers

        yep me too, the “ Flickr” widget doesn’t work !
        please help me, come to my blog n see it.

    15. DonDahlmann

      Yeah, beautiful theme, works like a charme. I adjusted some minor things in my header, but there is still the problem with the navbar/dropdown in chrome & safari. It seems, that the “title” attribut for the links is blocking the dropdown menu. If you hover over the nav-link, it shows the link-title and so, the dropdown is not working. I have looked through the phps, but I did not find the command, to stop the link title form appearing.

    16. Arif

      I install WP-CommentNavi and doesn’t work !

      please help me

    17. Mark

      Hi, I love this theme and like to use it. Before doing that I’d like to ask you if it’s possible to use the option of multi-site with this theme. And if it’s possible, do you perhaps know how to do this or find more information about this?

    18. Bisnis Oriflame Indonesia

      Hi dude, nice theme 🙂

      Thanks for sharing 🙂

    19. Bunny Cages

      so many template to about blogspot?nice share..maybe i will try it when i have a self host.


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