Google Buzz is a new toys from Google, this is easy method to share whatever we like and we want.
The Next Question is, how to integrate Google Buzz with our WordPress site? don’t worry, there are so many WordPress Plugin avaliabele. This is some of them
- Google Buzz Button WordPress Plugin
- Google Buzz Feed
- Google Buzz This Button
- WP Google-Buzz
- Google Buzz
- and many more available here
If you didn’t like use plugins, you can use Official Google Buzz widget here, what do you want to Buzz right now? 🙂
What we can do on Google Buzz? there are so many may think we can use. This some of them

Share publicly or privately
Publish your ideas to the world or just to your closest friends.

Inbox integration
Comments get sent right to your inbox so it’s easy to keep the conversation going.

Photo friendly
See thumbnails with each post, and browse full-screen photos from popular sites.

Connect sites you already use
Import your stuff from Twitter, Picasa, Flickr, and Google Reader.

See updates in real time
New posts and comments pop in as they happen. No refresh required.

Just the good stuff
Google Buzz recommends interesting posts and weeds out ones you’re likely to skip.