Instagram Gallery Widget on WordPress

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    Posted 19 Jun 2011 in WordPress Plugins

    Instagram is one of the best iPhone applications as photo sharing and the iPhone users would have to install it. If you are WordPress lover and use it as a tool for blogging, this plugin will be very useful for displaying your gallery in instagram so that it can be enjoyed by your readers.

    Instagram Widget Gallery Screenshot

    The Instagram Galler Widget has many interesting features and really help you in writing your articles if you want to embed within the article. Instagram Widget Gallery (IGW) lets you display your beautiful pictures in a simple and elegant gallery onto your WordPress website. You can drag multiple widget instances and configure each one with different settings. You can also use custom PHP code to insert the widget in any part of your theme or if you prefer, you can embed the special shortcode.

    Special features:

    • Easy-to-install procedure. Just enter one of your pictures URL and you’re done
    • User info panel with pictures count, count followers and following count.
    • Nice FancyBox effect Pls clicking on thumbnails
    • Instagram browse your pictures just like a gallery
    • Thumbnails custom sizes option for every widget instance
    • Multiple configurations widgets
    • Specific PHP function call for theme customization
    • Shortcodes Support

    The plugin’s homepage

    How to install it is fairly easily just by looking at the plugins menu, then you can immediately perform the installation and put you on the widget gallery instagram that has been provided by the installed themes.

    More information visit this plugin site and you download it right here.

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