Use spam free wordpress to protect your blog

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    Posted 29 Jan 2012 in WordPress Plugins

    Often we may feel overwhelmed by the abundance of “spam comment” that exists on our blog. This of course must be overcome by installing a few plugins that will serve as a spam blocker. With the appropriate use of plugins of course our blog will be lighter, especially during the loading process. Some comment spam plugin that we can use is a “spam free wordpress”, where if we see the look of this plugin is quite simple and multifunctional. This plugin will be used to perform a filter to an existing comment in a blog by entering a password code that exists in the comments field.

    spam blockerMany people who are already using this plugin, and is able to work well, especially for some of the blogs that have visitors and require quite a lot of plugins that can avoid the presence of spam. In addition to ease in dealing with spam, this plugin can also be integrated with several other spam blocker plugin, for example, for some types of blogs that use a particular template and are not compatible. But if you want to try some other similar plugins, I think there are many choices that you can use, especially for some particular template with paid version.

    This plugin is also compatible with some wordpress latest series, so you need not worry to use this plugin in total. There are several main menus that will be used to make the adjustment, ranging from changes in appearance and also some characters that can be used. By using these features, it is expected the blog that you have a bus to avoid the presence of spam comments that often interfere with the performance of the blog server.

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