Free WordPress Theme: Ayumi

    Posted 18 Mar 2009 in WordPress Themes


    Ayumi is 3 columns and grid based layout wordpress theme. This theme has been featured on Smashing Magazine. Ayumi Theme originally hosted on But after theme licensed has been changed to GPL, The Developer decide to move Ayumi Theme info and updated on this website. We hove after decided to move to GPL licensed information website. This theme will be more usable and better support.


    What’s on Ayumi?

    • Green and Red little bit blue color
    • 2 Right Sidebar
    • Widget Ready
    • Gravatar Support
    • Caption Support
    • Change About text via Admin Profile
    • Threaded Comment
    • wp-caption
    • Tested on WordPress 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.5.x,  2.6.x and WordPress 2.7

    Download it Now



    You can check the ayumi demo now

    Change Log

    1.0 : Public Released
    1.1 : Fixed Sidebar and Footer Issue
    1.2 : Fix Comments and Background Overlap
    1.3 : Fix Categories archives, margin post and Support for WordPress 2.3
    1.5 : Fix Problem Page and Better Effect and WordPress 2.5 Compatible and add Favicon
    1.6 : Custom Header
    1.7 : Gravatar and Caption Support
    1.8 : Fix 404 Error Page
    2.0: WordPress 2.7 Threaded Comment Support, Switch License to GPL Licence
    2.1: Moving Theme Hosting [18 March 2009]


    1. Paddy

      Nice one. I like it because it doesn’t waste a lot of space using huge header pics.

    2. Bob

      It’s a nice clear theme and I like the image position but I can’t get the text to show over the image. Every time I save changes it disappears.

    3. Shuzette

      very nice theme,I´v used for my own blog ^^ I like Ayu very much thank you very much for this theme

    4. Andy

      This is a very clean theme, thanks. Any idea how to make the header image into a hyperlink?

    5. Stephanie Adkins

      Can the header color be changed from green to a different color?

    6. tatil

      thank you very good…

    7. Susan

      I am still using Ayumi1.8 and WordPress2.8.* on my site, I have been looking at the updated Ayumi2.0 and I don’t know if to update the theme or not, they both 1.8 and 2.0 look exactly the same to me, besides the change of license.

      Is there some changelog available? Is it only a license change?

      Thank you

      • WPGPL Team

        You can check on the change logs 😉

    8. Veronica

      I just loved this theme. But there was unfortunately bugs. I have that I must approve comments before they appear. These counts, however with the number of comments in the post (but the comments do not show before they are approved). I am also using the plugin “whisper” comments that are posted through this will not appear at all. Would of course like to have them also.

      Then it will be weird inside the admin for comments, which says the same number of comments on just all my posts throughout the blog (my total number of comments in the blog)

      Was sad when the theme was not working as I wanted and been looking around for another theme to use instead, but this is precisely the theme I like and can find no other theme I think as much about.

      Therefore wonder if you could help me correct this theme so it works well even for me! Would appreciate your help very much!

      • WPGPL Team

        This is not a bugs from Ayumi, my Ayumi worked great on many user without a problem. Maybe you have some plugin that break out your comment, try to analyst you plugins.

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    14. Joachim

      wow great theme I love it.

    15. keri

      Hi I changed the graphic for the header a few times. But the caption remains the same. I wish to delete it. I tried hide text but can not get it to budge.

      there does not appear to be a caption choice anywhere and I can not remember how I added one to begin with.

      Otherwise the site looks great!

      • WPGPL Team

        Hi Keri, which area that you mean? and which caption is it?

        • keri

          under the green top line is the picture considered header logo — it reads owner…

          There should not be anything there.

          I’ve changed the picture == it is no longer the owner.


          • WPGPL Team

            I’m sorry I still didn’t understand which area.. can you show me with some screen shot?

            • keri

              I figured it out!! Thank you!!


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