Free WordPress Theme: Padangan

    Posted 03 Apr 2009 in WordPress Themes


    Padangan is another 3 columns layout. This theme designed by Nurudin Jauhari and have been use more than 5000 wordpress user. And for better support and community, Theme hosting has been moved to WP GPL. We hove after we move to this server. This theme will be more usable and have more user.


    What’s on Padangan Theme

    • 3 Columns Layout with double right sidebar
    • Green Color
    • Extra Footer
    • A lot of Widget available
    • WordPress 2.7 Support included Threaded comment
    • 125 x 125 ads ready
    • Tested on WordPress 2.1.x, 2.2, 2.3.x, 2.5, 2.6, WordPress 2.7
    • Easy to use and installation (just download and upload and done)
    • And many more…

    This theme need some plugins, you can download it from the original author or WordPess Plugins, here are the plugins.

    You can download Padangan here.

    [download id=”5″]

    Check Padangan Demo

    Do you have any question? Feel free to leave some comment on this post.


    1. Makedon

      This theme can have custom header??
      Pls tell me coz i like this theme but i need custom header for my blog 🙂

    2. anontanan

      Thank you. See my blog? 🙂

    3. Carlos Guevara

      I wish to find a theme compatible with my music blog

    4. Frank

      He there,

      The Popularity Contest plugin does not work with wordpress 2.7. Could you please check that?


      • WPGPL Team

        Hi Frank, what you mean doesn’t work? You need install the plugin to make it work. And if this plugin doesn’t work. The problem not in my Themes, but the plugins

    5. blogshopping

      This theme is great! I really like this style. It looks really professional. I just Download theme and will be use for many blog.

      Thank you so much.

    6. Jeff

      It’s true, the Popularity Contest plugin doesn’t work with 2.7 – when you try to activate it, it gives a Fatal Error and won’t activate.

      Not the theme’s problem. Something to mention to the plugin developer.

    7. Selym

      How would I place a custom header image into this theme while still keeping the repeating background image in tact? I guess my goal would be to place a header image (standard banner size) over the repeating background.

      Thanks for the help.

    8. Selym

      Oh, one more thing. I see this theme is ad ready, but I can’t seem to find where I would add this in WP administration. I found the 125 ad images, but that’s about it.

      Thanks again,

      • WPGPL Team

        Edit sidebar.php and un comment the 125 ads area

    9. selym

      Thank you for reply. Sorry, I’m not a programmer, but when you say uncomment the 125 ads area, if you mean to delete something like this (//) before a line, I don’t see anything that is commented in sidebar.php.

    10. Freida

      Please HELP! Something is happening on my site – I have NO IDEA how to fix it. My last two blogs are in a ‘box’, like a Word doc with the scroll bar on the right and bottom. I don’t know what happened. When I post it, and view my site, the scroll bars are still there. Also, a green background – again, no idea why that’s there. Has this every happened to anyone? Any suggestions on what I should do? I am a complete newbie with this stuff. Thanks!!

    11. ibnu mubarock

      hi..I really like this theme, but I would like to edit the header image.
      o you have WP themes for my band’s blog?? I really need it for my band portfolio
      thanks dude..

    12. Tari

      Finaly I get the best theme for my blog. I really enjoy with this theme. I changed ‘font’ for blog title on the header… 🙂

    13. tony

      hi there i seen the above reply on how to do custom image for the header. i want to play image header maybe
      150h x250w thank you so much in advance

    14. Britt Malka

      Hi – I really like this theme, but I’m having problems with comments. When I comment on a blogpost, the comment is not placed under this post, but an old one. This happened with version 1.5.3, but when I upgraded to 1.6.3, it worked. But now I’ve just found out that it’s not working again.

      If I change to the default theme, comments work, but not with this theme.

      Did anybody else have this problem and have solved it?

      • WPGPL Team

        Hi Britt
        I didn’t understand what you mean, can you make it more clearly?

    15. Britt Malka

      Many hours later… Found the problem (when somebody wrote a comment to post #234 it ended up as a comment to post #15) and solved it. The error was NOT in this theme, but in a code from a plugin that I used on this theme. Sorry for the disturbance.

    16. 113Tidbits

      How can i add “more” to the theme to allow me to get more content on first page of site?

    17. lektira

      thankzz mate really luv pandagan theme 🙂


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