Free WordPress Themes: Yashfa

    Posted 12 Feb 2009 in WordPress Themes


    Welcome to WordPress GPL Themes & Plugins resource. And this if our first Free WordPress Themes, Yashfa is 2 columns layout and created with simplicity and grid based design with a lot of featured and good looking layout.


    What on Yashfa

    • Custom Image Header
    • A lot of Widgets
    • Comment Threaded
    • Gravatar
    • Separate Comment & Trackbacks / Pingback
    • Author Information
    • Grid Based Layout
    • Fix Width
    • GPL licensed

    For better experience you need to download some plugins. Such as Popular Post, WP-Pagenavi, Recent Comment. You can check Yashfa Demo here

    Download Yashfa

    If you are enjoy and love this Yashfa Theme, help me spread this themes to the world.

    Change Logs:

    1.0 : Public Releaed
    1.1 : Fix Header
    1.2 : Fix Error on Functions.php, Fix Menu, Fix Screenshot, Fix Extra Footer
    1.3 : Fix Error and internationalize support (thanks Aldo)
    1.4 : Fix Single Page problem
    1.5 : Fix IE Problem thanks for Tim Wilsie


    1. Reggie

      another problem.

      the type on my homepage (right sidebar body copy and the author’s name, comment counter under the posting date) is large and bold. but when i click on to the individual posting pages the same elements are in normal typeface. how can this be? i adjusted the font size under ‘body’ in the stylesheet. that changed the font on the posting page but nothing changed on the homepage. is there a code for adjusting the features on the homepage?

      also, IE/scroll bar problem seems to be connected with the size of the ‘you comment’ box. i’ve noticed that when you turn off the comment feature for a page the scroll bars disappear. it seems that the ‘your comment’ box is too wide. anyone know if this can be adjusted with the stylesheet?


    2. martie

      Love this one! Would like to have larger banner art tho. Any way to change from 970 x 150 to 1300 x 300?

    3. Jim Martin

      I am using Yashfa. I really enjoy the theme. However, I would like to be able to make a comment and to be able to use paragraphs. When I try to double spade to form a new paragraph, it does not double space on the comment when it appears (much like in the comments on this post.) Is there a plug-in which would enable me to do this?

    4. skwasha

      Anyone tried this theme on IE8? Seeing any issues? I’ve been using a slightly modified version (though nothing I *think* that should affect display) and I’ve been told it looks messed up in IE8.

    5. JR

      i am really needing some help … if you goto my site… there is all this extra space to the right of the entire page wrapper


      i am really hoping there are other people that are experiencing this and not just me. i have tried on fresh WP installs no plugins just theme and its still does it. any help would be much appreciate, since i really like the theme and would definitely like to keep using it.

    6. francis ten

      i love this theme…it’s been a long process of tweeks to get work it into my site but i really love it. great work. PROBLEM IS THIS: some issues with using Firefox. Scrolling makes some of the objects trail – duplicated on diff comp- other browsers fine.

    7. Reginald

      Great theme. With the exception of the scroll bar issue, I’ve tweaked out most of the little kinks. Thanks.

    8. shiva bandaru

      Great theme

    9. Basil

      Hey everyone,

      Really great theme. I am using Yashfa version 1.6 and seem to be having the same problem that Yianni Garcia had with 1.3. Here is Yianni’s comment from 3/19/09: “I can’t view my posts when I click on the title of the post. I can see the post when I’m at the Home tab but when I click on the individual blog post link, it takes me to the page but there is the body of the post is missing.”

      I’m having the same problem with 1.6. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I have done wrong or how it can be fixed?



    10. mamas86

      Wah saya coba download tapi nggak bisa, padahal headernya ini mengingatkan saya disaat saya dulu sering kekebun karet kami. 🙁

      • WPGPL Team

        Kenapa ndak bisa download mas?

    11. chaiyapim

      Thank you for Yashfa Theme WordPress.

    12. Anthony Perez

      Hey guys, I just have a quick question. I recently installed the Twitter Widget Pro plugin and unfortunately not only does it abide by my theme’s style ala the blogroll table, it also broke the style for other tables like my Categories table. Does anyone know how I can fix this?

      You can see the problem here:

    13. talkingdigital

      I love this these. I am pretty much using it stock. Partly because I don’t know much about WordPress or CSS. Is there a way in this theme to have it only show summaries on the first page? I have looked all over. I hope I am just missing something but I think it is a theme issue.

      Thanks in advance.

    14. Debbie

      I love this theme and how easy it is to change the header! thank you for that
      I would like to know how to remove Recent Comments, Tag Cloud, & Last Post from the footer. Would anyone help me with that please? I am very new to wordpress so I would need it explained in very simple terms.
      Thank you for any help

    15. John

      Great theme but I’m having a lot of problems with vertical scrollbars appearing in the bottom sidebar. How can I get this bar to expand to the content? This is happening in Chrome and IE.


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