Free WordPress Themes: Yashfa

    Posted 12 Feb 2009 in WordPress Themes


    Welcome to WordPress GPL Themes & Plugins resource. And this if our first Free WordPress Themes, Yashfa is 2 columns layout and created with simplicity and grid based design with a lot of featured and good looking layout.


    What on Yashfa

    • Custom Image Header
    • A lot of Widgets
    • Comment Threaded
    • Gravatar
    • Separate Comment & Trackbacks / Pingback
    • Author Information
    • Grid Based Layout
    • Fix Width
    • GPL licensed

    For better experience you need to download some plugins. Such as Popular Post, WP-Pagenavi, Recent Comment. You can check Yashfa Demo here

    Download Yashfa

    If you are enjoy and love this Yashfa Theme, help me spread this themes to the world.

    Change Logs:

    1.0 : Public Releaed
    1.1 : Fix Header
    1.2 : Fix Error on Functions.php, Fix Menu, Fix Screenshot, Fix Extra Footer
    1.3 : Fix Error and internationalize support (thanks Aldo)
    1.4 : Fix Single Page problem
    1.5 : Fix IE Problem thanks for Tim Wilsie


    1. Kiki

      I am using this theme for a committee site for the upcoming PGA Championship at Hazeltine next week. I am having problems with the submenu flyouts in IE. Submenus look great in Safari & Firefox, but do not show in IE 6. I see there is a “fix menu” in change log 1.2, but I don’t know I access that info. Any insight?

    2. koko James

      saya menggunakan theme ini untuk website saya..awalnya tidak apa2 tetapi kenpa bisa menjadi sperti ini ya?
      1 navigasi width browsernya kegedean
      2 hilangnnya side bar
      3 posting yang melebihi garis pembatas

      foto2 bagian yang rusak :

      saya tidak sengaja merubah di editor CSS nya..
      tolong di FOLLOW UP karena pentingnya menggunakan theme ini bagi website saya

      terima kasih..

    3. Chris

      Love the theme, but the list of pages at the top goes down into myheader photo. Anyway to hide some of the pages at the top?

      • carla

        I don;t know if the pages are subordinated to another one, but for me worked when I put some of the subordinated as “private”, since I have other ways (on the side bar) to make people get there.

    4. Darryl


      love the theme, one problem I have is when I use a static page. When I am on the blog page, both the static front page and blog page are highlighted as if I am on both of the pages. How would this be fixed? Thank you!

    5. TechThem

      That was very nice theme,
      Yashfa is now listed on at here

    6. Josh

      It would be great if this theme had an automatic update.

      • WPGPL Team

        This theme has automatic update josh

    7. Matt

      Love the theme, was wondering if there is a way to change the height of the header, would like to change it to around 400px high. besides that, great theme. thanks

    8. tatil

      thank you very good.

    9. Philgreg

      Brilliant theme, but I cant get it to add widgets at all. Its the best theme I have found so far…aprt from this little problem.

    10. webtasarım

      thank you very goood….

    11. carla

      [quote] Debbie #
      07.31.2009 06:38

      I love this theme and how easy it is to change the header! thank you for that
      I would like to know how to remove Recent Comments, Tag Cloud, & Last Post from the footer. Would anyone help me with that please? I am very new to wordpress so I would need it explained in very simple terms.
      Thank you for any help

      Please, I’d love to have this information too.

      And also, how can I remove the page “register” on the top menu, which leads to WordPress subscription.. It doesn’t appear on my page list. I have Subscriber 2 but I only want people regitering to email updates, not to wordpress (in my old theme it has worked perfectly)

    12. karla

      My sidebar doesn’t appear on any of my posts. It appears everywhere else, except when I click on a certain post. How can I fix that so it’s always present like the header and footer? Thanks for the great theme!

    13. Josh

      I am having problems with the theme working with the latest version of Lightbox Plus. The image caption is not displaying correctly. However if I use another theme it does display as it should. Is there anyway this can get fixed?

      • WPGPL Team

        Can you show me with some screen shot, about your problem?

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