How To Fix WordPress Problem Upgrading

  • 1 Comment
    Posted 09 Aug 2010 in WordPress Tricks

    Many WordPress users got terrible probem if using Automatic Updated features. Right know I will show you How To Fix WordPress Problem Upgrading Plugins, Theme’s or Core Updates, in commons cases, the problems is cause by File and Folder permissions, others case because some plugin need to be deactivated before upgrade or maybe you need to clear you upgrades folder on your wp-content directory.

    For The first cases, about Folder and File permissions, try this method

    Change the permissions for plugins, themes and upgrade directories to 777. Remember to change  permissions back to 755 when you are done installing.

    For Second Problem (Error when upgraded), Make a note of the plugins you have Activated, Deactivate all of them and then see if you can upgrade. If you can then reactivate all your favourite plugins.

    I hope this tricks and litle tutorial about How To Fix WordPress Problem Upgrading work on you.

    Thanks for Handshake for share this tips


    1. Jack Fryer

      Thank you for the upgrading information. But I am worried that if I deactivate the plugins and then upgrade, I may not be able to reactivate and use my plugins because they will not be compatible with the new version of WP. I am fairly new to WP and have been wanting to upgrade, but this is what is stopping me. How do I overcome this?

      Thanks for your help.


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