Use special Recent post plugin for visitors easy to find new post

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    Posted 01 Oct 2011 in WordPress Plugins

    Many forms of themes that are specifically used to BLOG with WORDPRESS platform does have a lot of options, ranging from magazine theme, Business theme, Personal theme, design technology theme, and much more. From some of them are typically requires “application settings” at the recent post, which function of the recent post itself is to facilitate visitors to find the latest articles from your BLOG.

    plugin for recent post

    One plug-ins that you can use for this purpose is the “Special Recent Post” plug-ins. With this plug-in you can display a wide range of design and appearance of the more interesting recent post, especially because the view from the side bar that has been modified through the CSS script menu. Some of the recent choices that you can use are divided into two types; paid and free. To ensure the quality of plug-ins, you should try the free version first, so if you are interested you can try using the paid version.

    This Plug-ins is compatible with WORDPRESS version 3.2.1, so if by chance your BLOG is still using the previous version of WORDPRESS, then you need to upgrade first. If you notice, the plug-in is still very simple, either in terms of look and features. You can make modifications in order to display plug-in is becoming more attractive. But to be able to do some editing, you must understand the use of CSS and script applications, where the programming language used mostly by WORDPRESS using CSS and XML script.

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