If you are an ebay affiliate that using wordpress as a medium for marketing of ebay products, you may consider using MoneyPress eBay edition plugin to show a eBay product on your affiliate website. MoneyPress eBay Edition plugin allows you to easily display products from eBay based on keywords that you provide on setting. That is very simple setup and show product listings for anything relevant to your site. And all product entries also come with the images, current bids, and also links directly to eBay website to get further information about the product.With MoneyPress you may list your own products by entering your seller ID or you can sell any product on eBay and earn a commission with your eBay Partner ID or other approved affiliate program ID. If you are an eBay seller or an approved eBay affiliate this plugin will help boost the income earning potential of your site in just a few easy steps.
After you upload and installing the plugin on your wordpress site, you can show products on any page on your site by using the ‘[ebay_show_items]’ shortcode. For example, entering the shortcode :
[mp_ebay keywords="wordpress books"]
If you are a merchant on eBay, you can enter your seller ID to list only your own products or you can put it anyone’s seller ID, if you want to list their products on your site. If you have entered a seller ID then you do not have to provide any keywords.