Make site more information that’s may more people come to visit or read a something little sentences or word on your blog, why not? Try to say and displays some great inspirational or motivate other people with hand picked quotes in your blog’s sidebar, or randomly. Now, You may put this pugin on site and show every your inspirational or wise words and then your visitors can tweet quote with single click. On this plugin already included more than 250 uniques quotes that you can choose which quotes to display which day, then you can edit it and or add your own quotes. To install, click activate and then go to Appearance > Widgets to find ‘Simple Daily Quotes’. All settings are contained within the widget. Visit plugin homepage for help about editing/adding quotes.
Make Quotes with Simple Daily Quotes Plugin
1 Comment
Posted 13 Feb 2012 in WordPress Plugins
I need a widget that will show daily quotes that are preset for each day of the year and can be repeated annually.
For example:
April 8 “Seek to do brave and lovely things which are left undone by the majority of people. Give gifts of love and peace to those whom others pass by”.
– Paramahansa Yogananda
The quotes come from a printed book and need to be synced to each day of the year.
Can this widget do this?