Posts Tagged ‘Download’


Stay Connect to Facebook with Add Link Plugin

Posted 11 Feb 2012 — by herman
Category WordPress Plugins

Make every your posting or pages to your facebook account automatically with add links plugin. Add Link plugin  is a plugin that will help you to posts or pages that are being published on your blog or website to your account on Facebook on wall, pages or groups.  Actually, there are so many plugin for WordPress like Add Link. But there is an different, because your may customize the way links appear on Facebook.

With Add Link to Post the link title will be the post title, the description will be the excerpt, or part of the post text if there is none. It is possible to configure a link image (WordPress icon, first image in the media library or Read the rest of this entry »

Create Multiple languange with Xili Languange Plugin

Posted 06 Feb 2012 — by herman
Category WordPress Plugins

Do you want to make website/blog with multi language?. Now you don’t need to type more if want to post multi language. Install the Xili plugin on your WordPress blog then active this plugin. So your site will be translate to multi language.  Xili – language lets you create and manage multilingual WP site in several languages with yours or most famous localizable themes. Ready for CMS design, xili-language provides for a bilingual (or multilingual) website an automatic selection of language (.mo) in theme according to the language of current post(s) or page. Theme’s behaviour can be fully personalized through settings, hooks and api. Ready for CMS developers and designers.

xili-language plugin provides an automatic selection of language in theme according to the language of displayed post, series of posts, page or articles. If the post is in gaelic, the texts of the theme will be in gaelic if the author checks the post as gaelic and if the theme contains the right .mo file for this target language.

Download Xili Language here

Make your post shorten with Posttabs Plugin

Posted 05 Feb 2012 — by herman
Category WordPress Plugins

Sometimes we write long article. And some readers of our blog feel lazy to read it because they need scrolling, moreover they read by phone or tablet. If you don’t want your blog look too long, if you do not want to write the article that you look too long and will lead to boredom for the reader, you need to make tabs that divide article into several parts. You may try this WP plugin. Post tabs, this is an old plugin, but still work in WP 3.0.

PostTabs Plugin allows you to easily split your post/page content into Tabs that will be shown to your visitors. Read the rest of this entry »

Download Facebook Page Promoter Lightbox

Posted 31 Jan 2012 — by herman
Category WordPress Plugins

Many way to promote your website to other people. One of  it’s, is promote your site or your  profile  on facebook. And may for that matter, you install Facebook Page Promotor Lighbox plugin to your wordpress blog. The plugin allow your all visitors  know about your facebook page and then tell their friends about your site . With this plugin you can display a preconfigured Facebook Page-Like Box inside a lightbox.

Here are Features of the plugin:

  • Display the facebook lightbox onload with or without a delay.
  • Limit the lightbox to once every x days per individual visitors.
  • Promote your own facebook fan page.
  • Facebook page is needed.
  • No api key needed.

To install the plugin you have used PHP 5 and must have created Facebook Fan page.

To get the plugin you can download here

Plugin Performance Profiler (P3)

Posted 24 Jan 2012 — by herman
Category WordPress Plugins

You can increase your blog visitor with many ways. One of them is by showing your profile on your blog, so your visitor may read it and know about you site and your blog.  This plugin automatically will creates a profile of your WordPress site’s plugins’ performance by measuring their impact on your site’s load time.  Often times, WordPress sites load slowly because of poorly configured plugins or because there are so many of them. But Now, by using the Plugin Performance ProfilerP3 plugin, you can narrow down anything causing slowness on your site. And it’s easy to using and configure this plugin, you only need to upload it and then install and active it. You should use WordPress 3.3 to use this plugin. and Better with WordPress 3.3.1

This plugin work good on Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, or IE9 or later.  But this plugin will not work on IE8 or lower version. This plugin uses the canvas element for drawing charts and requires Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, or IE9 or later.

Try this plugin and then see your visitor later.

Download Plugin Performance Profiler (P3)

Download Print Friendly and PDF Button Plugin

Posted 15 Jan 2012 — by herman
Category WordPress Plugins

Do you provide your blog with an article with .pdf format? If your blog is a blog with contain an article with pdf format you can install Print Friendly and PDF Button Plugin on your site. Because with this plugin, your visitor may print it easily and also the Print Friendly & PDF button saves paper and ink when printing or creating a PDF. It’s fast, easy, and looks great when printed. Add the button now, and your users will see your blog is different then other blog.

The Print Friendly & PDF button automatically creates printer friendly and PDF versions of your pages without the hassle of having to create a print CSS file. To install the plugin, no need coding skill, hacking or programming ability. It’s so simple to install the Print Friendly & PDF plugin, only upload the plugin and then you only need to activate it, and choose settings for full customization. It also gives your user the ability to remove images and paragraphs of text, so they really only have to print exactly what they want.

Here are Features of the plugins :

  1. Get a Printer Friendly and PDF button for your users.
  2. Fully Customizable! Choose your favorite print and PDF button, use a text link, or use your own graphic.
  3. Get precision placement with easy to change margins, alignment, and pages for your Print and PDF button.
  4. On-Page-Lightbox. Have you noticed that other printer friendly buttons open new windows, or tabs? Not with Print Friendly & PDF button. It opens in a Lightbox so you your users stay on the page, and your wp website.
  5. Professional looking print and PDF buttons and user experience.
  6. More repeats and new users. Your brand/URL are printed on the page or saved in the PDF so users remember your site and new users can find you.

Try it, and show them your site is different than other. Download Printer Friendly and PDF button

Download The Events Calendar Plugin

Posted 10 Jan 2012 — by herman
Category WordPress Plugins

Make your blog interesting with The Events Calendar plugin for wordpress. This plugin enables you to rapidly create and manage every events. And also the plugin  already integrated with Google Maps as well as default templates such as a calendar grid and event list, widget and so much more. Looking for recurring events, the ability to sell tickets, manage conference schedules, accept user submitted events automatically and more. The plugin are  available premium and community add-ons.
Here, The Events Calendar 2.0 Features :

  1. Event custom post type
  2. Easily manage events
  3. Upcoming Events Widget
  4. Provides full template to complement the 2010 & 2011 theme out of the box (month and list view)
  5. Extensive template tags for customization
  6. MU Compatible
  7. Google Maps Integration
  8. Calendar Month view with tooltips
  9. Includes support for venue, cost, address, start and end time, google maps link.

Events Calendar Pro Features :

  1. Recurring events
  2. Saved venues & organizers
  3. Custom events attributes
  4. Advanced events manager
  5. Venue view
  6. Single day view
  7. Ajax calendar
  8. Advanced widgets
  9. Gcal / ical user download (import)
  10. and lots more.

Check it out here for Calender Pro or Download Here

Gigya Social Site Plugin

Posted 04 Jan 2012 — by herman
Category WordPress Plugins

Gigya is the number 1 social site plugin, that must you choice for your websites. By Gigya you may integrating your online businesses with the most popular social networks such as : Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. With Gigya plugin for WordPress, you can invite many people on you contact or relation on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to come to your site, so this plugin also can be a marketing tool.  Gigya can be a consolidating the most powerful social features in a single solution. The plugin offers a suite of social plugins such as Social Login, Share, Comments and Community features enabling sites to drive social registrations, scalable word-of-mouth marketing and community interaction.

Gigya plugin for  WordPress is fully configurable and it’s not too easy to do it, just need a little time to configure Read the rest of this entry »

Download Most And Least Read Posts Widget

Posted 27 Dec 2011 — by herman
Category WordPress Plugins

Sometime we don’t now about how many visitors visit our blog everyday, or sometime we want to know about how many visitors read on our posting and what  posting is most read or what posting is least read by visitors. But now, you may control and knowing what posting is visitor like for. You can instal “Most And Least Read Posts Widget” on your wordpress blog for free. This widget may you viewing all post on your blog, and this software was developed by the installation you can customize it as you like. This is a following option that you may do customization :

  1. Number of posts to show.
  2. Exclude posts whose title contains certain words.
  3. Show post hits after the title (style customizable via CSS class).
  4. Exclude posts older than XX days.

The plugin will starting to count every hits on posting after activated, then storing them in the “custom_total_hits” custom field without the need to register to external accounts. And most interesting, the total number of  hits can be shown inside the post content, with :

  • A custom phrase, e.g. “This post has already been read XX times!”.
  • A custom position (above the post, below the post, both)
  • A custom CSS style

That’s so nice widget. And for more information you may visit the developer site.

Exattosoft WP Site Protector Free Plugin

Posted 22 Dec 2011 — by herman
Category WordPress Plugins

Do you want to protect your site from copier or stolen by another person? Exactly, you need website protector to do that. Now is already any Site Protector Plugin to protect your site if you are using wordpress. This plugin is very easy to setup  and will full protection to your precious content and images from being stolen or copied. 
The plugin was developed by ExattoSoft, and there are two versions available under the name of  WP Site Protector Read the rest of this entry »