3D Carousel Menu, Animation plugin for Your Blog

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    Posted 08 May 2010 in WordPress Plugins

    3D Carousel Image Plugin

    Using the WordPress blog platform does have many advantages. In addition to CSS and XML applications that are SEO friendly, a lot of supporting applications that serves to optimize your blog, especially for a blog that is specifically used for Internet marketing. Talking about Internet Marketing, meaning we should have a good sense of people, namely how to attract visitors to the blog we are more interested in what we give them, whether it be information or something that they need.

    One key to the success of a blog that is used for Monetize your blog, must be look attractive and interesting, OK. Usually a few plugins that you can use is the nature of Flash animation, where the main purpose of the use and application of this plugin is more interesting for your blog visitors to do the transaction, or at least they often visit your blog. One of these is the 3D plugin Carousel Menu, which is included into the types of applications offer image roll, ie an image containing a link that fixed on a link or page on a blog or website. This application has support for WordPress latest series, which is 2.9.0.

    As in general, this application is very easy for you to connect as well as accessories Widget on your blog’s sidebar, depending on the type and type of theme you use. If you have installed this application, you can make a setting to roll over image settings, such as roll speed for each image, the image rotation angle, and also placing a link on every image. For each image you want to install, you can use the image file size is not too large, it is intended that at the time of loading is not too heavy. Are you interested? Use this application to maximize Monetize your blogs as income online.

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