Archive for the ‘WordPress Plugins’ Category


Download Fontific to change your fonts with Google fonts

Posted 01 Apr 2011 — by andi
Category WordPress Plugins

Google Fonts makes our web / blog look prettier. There are lots of fonts that provide and we could choose and put it in our web. Here’s new plugin that manage Google Fonts that will present in our blog. The plugin name is Fontific and you can download here.

This plugin created by Andrei at If you like to change your font frequently, this plugin is useful. Of course, you do this make your reader comfortable with your reader. Read the rest of this entry »

Download Auto Hyperlink URL

Posted 31 Mar 2011 — by andi
Category WordPress Plugins

This plugin will make your blog / website more attractive. You and your commenters will not bothered by creating link URL manually in you post or comments for your reader. He can automatically  recognized the URL link and change it into the current link that we write.

Besides, the Auto Hyperlink URL plugin also support emails hyperlink, open hyperlink in new window, Enable nofollow, and truncate long URL hyperlink. This plugin provide by Scott Reilly the owner of coffe2code blog. Read the rest of this entry »

Customize Admin Bar in WordPress 3.1

Posted 29 Mar 2011 — by andi
Category WordPress Plugins

WordPress 3.1 has new feature called Admin Bar. Some people don’t want to use this and try removing this feature. If you don’t want to remove but just to customize you could look this two plugin that I’d like to share with you.

Stick Admin Bar To Bottom

This plugin will change the location of your Admin Bar into the bottom of your website. As a default function, Admin Bar had on the top page of your website that will covering you design for 28 pixels. So, if you’re installing the Stick Admin Bar to Bottom then your Admin Bar will go down into the bottom of your website.

Admin Bar Minimiser

This plugin can minimize the Admin Bar and of course you could show it again only with one click and the position still at the top of the website.

Choose the plugin as best as you needed to implemented in your website, if you want to remove the Admin Bar, you might need to read this tricks.

A unique Really Simple CAPTCHA

Posted 28 Mar 2011 — by andi
Category WordPress Plugins

CAPTCHA is very useful when we fight against SPAM at our blogs. Because we can’t escape from people wants to make a backlink using bad tricks and I think it’s not a wise thing to do. As all we know, SPAM is very annoying and we need more effort to maintain our blog against those spam attack just like previous article.

Now I’d like to introduce you a unique Really Simple CAPTCHA plugin created by takayukister. Read the rest of this entry »

Special post and pages for members only

Posted 27 Mar 2011 — by andi
Category WordPress Plugins

If you had blog walking into some WordPress designer blogs that selling their themes using membership. I think you should visit this plugin : member access. It is a free WordPress plugin created by Chris Abernethy that already posted in

The installation was just like other WordPress plugins and you need to setup the plugin as shown at the documentation that already shared by Chris in at the screenshot chapter. As a WordPress themes designer like me, I need to make some special code in my themes that will support this member access plugin. So, I have to separate some code that will be seen by members or public. Here it is some sample code that might useful to learn. Read the rest of this entry »

Adding Twitter name link at your post

Posted 27 Mar 2011 — by andi
Category WordPress Plugins

I’d like to introduce a new WordPress Plugin called Twitter Name Link. When you mention some names of your friends or else using their twitter name you might use ‘@’ logo as a default symbol of twitter but you can’t link it directly into their twitter pages. Perhaps you could link it manually using TinyMCE link toolbar while you’re posting some articles or story.

This Twitter Name Link can help you to create link directly without bothering you find their link at twitter pages. Using this plugin quite simple, download the plugin here, upload into your blog, and then activated it. You will be found a button twitter at you toolbar button in your post editor. If you don’t want use the toolbar you can type it manually just like a shortcode with this syntax.


That’s it, really simple right. If there are many simple thing to do then why we look other way that might be taking a lot of time to understand 🙂 .. cheers…

Using Option Framework at your themes

Posted 27 Mar 2011 — by andi
Category WordPress Plugins

As a web designer I believe you all know woothemes. They has been downloaded by more than 1.5 million user and provide more than three thousands designer. Woothemes also has his own themes option framework with their own complexity.

I’ve just found a themes option like the woothemes and I think it’s very useful to us as a wordpress desginer. Themes Option provide to make easier user who use our themes suppose they aren’t too much opening themes source code to modify our themes. This themes option is free to download with GPL license because it can be found in here at Read the rest of this entry »

Customizing htaccess file with WP Htaccess Editor

Posted 25 Mar 2011 — by andi
Category WordPress Plugins

.htaccess file produced by WordPress when you are using  a permalink at the setting admin. And it changed when you try to configure those setting. So if you might want to change it manually, you must log in at your CPANEL and accessing using file manager an then customizing the .htaccess file. Read the rest of this entry »

Download Debug Bar WordPress Plugin

Posted 08 Mar 2011 — by WPGPL Team
Category WordPress Plugins

Debug Bar is WordPress Plugin for Developer. This plugin really useful for Plugin Developer and Theme Developer. Why each developer must install this plugin?

WP Debug Bar Screenshot

WP Debug Bar Screenshot

Adds a debug menu to the admin bar that shows query, cache, and other helpful debugging information.

When WP_DEBUG is enabled it also tracks PHP Warnings and Notices to make them easier to find.

When SAVEQUERIES is enabled the mysql queries are tracked and displayed.

Read the rest of this entry »

Download Regenerate Thumbnails WP Plugin

Posted 13 Feb 2011 — by WPGPL Team
Category WordPress Plugins

You nee to Download Regenerate Thumbnails WP Plugin. Why I recommended this plugin? Because this plugin is the perfect way to recompile you entire WordPress Thumbnail. Using Regenerate Thumbnail Plugin. You can batch command and re build you thumbnail.

The Developer has said, why this plugin really awesome useful

This is very handy if you’ve changed any of your thumbnail dimensions (via Settings -> Media) after previously uploading images or have changed to a theme with different featured post image dimensions.

This plugin will handle it automatically. Change Thumbnail size not a big deal anymore. Read the rest of this entry »